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MLIM: District Three Desertion:

My Life In Myserie (an opinionated editorial column)

I’ve lived in Myserie City’s third district for a long time, I’ve seen people, businesses, and trends come and go. But lately I’ve noticed a new trend that bothers me. With the revelation of supernaturals being real a few months ago more than a few of them have come out and decided to live in the open. Surprisingly, a lot of the locals who turned out to be supernaturals (about forty percent) live in district three.

Now that’s not saying there are a huge amount of supernaturals living in the city over all, I couldn’t give you solid numbers honestly, but the numbers that have come out are causing normal people to move. Some are leaving the city entirely, most are relocating to “better” neighborhoods. It’s a typical fear reaction to something people don’t understand. If it’s different it must be wrong so I should distance myself from it. It’s silly and childish but it’s a common response. In return some of the supers are moving into the vacant houses that are up for sale in district three and our population of supers keeps growing.

Third is being labeled a supernatural safe area, not that I would label any area safe with a life sucking, mummy making, mist monster roaming the back alleys of our city. A family two houses down from where I live moved out a few months back, said it wasn’t there kind of place anymore. I never knew they were racist, but goes to show how much you know people. Last week a new family moved in, lovely folks. He’s a normal human and she’s a witch, they have 5 kids, ages 2, 3, 3, 4, and 6 and they are your normal herd of destructive toddlers. They are a lovely couple and play a good hand of spades. I still wonder if she’s telepathic given some of the cards they were pulling that one night but she said that’s not where her gifts lay.

The long and short of it is they are just people. If they feel the need to congregate in the third district because other parts of the city are less welcoming then I say we are better off for it. I count them as friends in the making. I just refuse to play poker with her, just in case.

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