In recent months our city has faced it’s fair share of turmoil. From the murder and rape committed by members of the police force to the appearance of supernatural beings of myth and legend.
Which brings me to the point of today’s column. In this time of change how do we know who’s who and what they are under a mask.
As the trial of former officer Cromwell proved, they walk among us without notice everyday, with abilities we have no idea what they can do and if we’re being affected at any given time. All we do know is that all of them can disguise themselves as human. During the trial of Cromwell it was said that they were, “implementing the use of alternate protections against supernatural interference”. How did they do that, what methods were used, and if they were so readily available, how long has the government, even locally, been employing them?

There are too many unanswered questions in regards to the supernatural beings. We don’t even know what to call them or how many different types there are! It is my opinion that our vaunted mayor needs to come down off his ivory tower and give the city some reassurances and some more detailed information about who’s who and what’s what. Because if I am voting for a vampire or a werewolf or whatever other nonhuman creature for the new medical examiners position, I want to know about it! It should be public knowledge if a person is human or something else. We need definition.
The public has a right to know. These beings have the potential to be a threat beyond anything we mere humans have had to face before as we have already seen. Call the mayor’s office, call your local and federal representatives, demand transparency.
I want to know if my barber can read my mind, or if my bartender takes full moons off to go hunting and killing in the woods and mountains surrounding our city. The government says this shouldn’t change our day to day lives because they have always been here. That is not reassuring. Finding out years later that my neighbor of 20 years is actually some form of spawn from another world changes things. A lot.
I’m not suggesting that we go into hysteria about this, I simply think that the public has the right to know. That at the very least they should be required to look like what they are. I’m not allowed to walk around wearing a mask to hide who I am, why are they?
Transparency. It’s what we need. It’s what we deserve. And for a great many of us, myself included, it’s what we demand.