When you hear the word "witch," what comes to your mind? Pointy hat? Broomstick? Or perhaps something more sinister? Would you imagine a Japanese woman with an affinity for ballet and other forms of dance? Someone who was planning a future marriage? Someone who, not just a couple of weeks ago, confined to a wheelchair? Now moves with crutches. I doubt it.
I am a witch. A necromancer, to be precise. I will no longer hide in the shadows out of fear of judgment. I cannot hold myself to others' standards that do not know me or what I stand for.
I care for my friends and family.
I work hard to improve in life.
I take the bus to go to places.
I love hiking and reading books.
I also have a huge passion for singing.
I laugh.
I cry.
I love. Deeply.
I'm a person.
I am a witch.
I am Ria Ohno.