Ayo! It's your girl Dalyah. I'm that friend you talk to when something just doesn't feel right in your life, and you can't figure it out. That same friend who goes out with you to the bar and makes sure you don't go home with that random creepy dude that looks cute to you but will probably murder you in your sleep.
So you got questions on something going on in your life? Send them my way.
What are my credentials? Well, I've censor beep-ed up probably more times than I can count. It might sound bad, but honestly, it's only bad if you don't learn from it. Trust me, I've learned from it. Instead of censor beep-ing up as I have, let me share my lessons with you to avoid the pain.
I look forward to helping anyone who needs advice.
REMEMBER: You are loved!
((You can send them to me either by discord DM Skeleton #1402 or through a notecard in SL (kitori.unplugged)))