Alfred K. Kennedy has worked for the Myserie Chronicle since 2007. During his tenure with the paper he has been, at various times, a field reporter, photographer, layout editor, and opinion columnist.
Hailing from Bloomington, Illinois, Mr. Kennedy moved to Myserie in 1998 and has called our fine city home ever since. Mr. Kennedy graduated from Illinois State University with a major in journalism and a double minor in psychology and sociology. He has been published twice in the American Journal of Medicine for papers on the unreliability of the memories of witnesses to crimes and dramatic events.
During his career before coming to work for the Chronicle, he held positions with several other news agencies and had a 5 year tenure as an emergency hotline operator.
Mr. Kennedy is married to Mrs. Jeanette Murphy-Kennedy who is currently self employed as a yoga trainer and mixed martial arts instructor at her studio here in Myserie. They have 2 children who are both off at college.