Shifters are some of the most physically powerful sentient creatures on the planet and while some feel they have been cursed with the affliction that manifests every full moon, others relish the shift and run through the woods. Born or Bitten, Wolf, Feline, or Bear, when the moon rises, they all shed their human selves for something more wild.
While most appear totally human most of the time, some Shifters may have more pronounced canines, unusual eyes, or even claws they need to keep trimmed to avoid stirring trouble and keep up the human appearance!
While the size and color variations of fur depend on the species of Shifter, none of them drift into unnatural coloration for those species. Hair color returning to natural, etc. after shifting is up to the player.
Born vs Bitten:
Shifters that are born to at least one parent who carries the virus.
Born Shifters exhibit the personality traits typical of Shifters from early on in life (i.e. temper, hunger, etc.) and are also born with enhanced senses.
Born Shifters will experience their first shift once puberty hits (typically 10-14 years old). The inner animal is typically more easily embraced in these individuals as it has been with them since birth.
Shifters born in animal form never survive beyond a few days and this instance is rare.
These are those who have had the virus transmitted to them via the saliva from a bite from a shifted shifter.
There is a 3-4 Phase incubation period for the virus to take hold and at minimum takes 3 weeks for the virus to take full hold and engage in a shift at the next full moon.
If the incubation period falls crossing over a full moon period, then that shift would be skipped, the incubation period drawn out longer, and the bitten would have their first shift at the next full moon.
1st Phase - Symptoms of sickness following a bite would begin a few days after being bitten and the victim would experience severe flu-like symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, etc.). These symptoms may even be deadly in and of themselves.
2nd Phase - After the symptoms resolve, which typically takes about 5-7 days, the bitten would have about one week where they feel completely fine and normal, other than their wounds finishing up the healing process, the bite healing to a scar.
3rd Phase - Randomly begin to notice heightened senses and an increase in hunger and agitation. Senses tend to fire off individually at random, scent one day, hearing another.
4th Phase - The nearer the full moon draws, the stronger these senses and urges become. When the full moon finally hits, the bitten will experience their first shift which is extremely painful and potentially deadly though thankfully, usually not remembered.
The virus is only capable of infecting Humans and Witches. If a Witch is bitten, they will begin to progressively lose their powers over the phases following the bite and all magic ability is completely gone by the time they have their first shift.
Some Covens are capable of stopping the virus from completely infecting it’s host, given that the Coven knows the spell and the infected has not yet undergone their first shift. There is a chance that it may not be successful.
Vampires, Fae, and Beast-kin are immune to the virus that causes one to become a Shifter. However, if bitten by a Shifter, the wound will heal slowly as if human. If the Vampire is well fed shortly after being bitten by a Shifter , the wound will heal a little more quickly.
Animals cannot be infected, however the bites are usually fatal anyway.
Not all shifters have to have both forms, but one shifted form is required to play in Myserie. If you need assistance in obtaining one, let a Mentor know.
Human form -
This form is that of a normal human. Some Shifters in human form may exhibit odd colored eyes or canines or that might seem a little too sharp and is often typical of having stayed in a shifted form for too long. Due to an increased metabolism, Shifters in their human forms have a higher resting body temperature (108F-110F) and are therefore hot to the touch. While there is a heightened sense of smell in this form, it is minimal compared to the other forms.
Partial Shift -
This shift only affects the nails, eyes, teeth, and throat of the shifter and is only able to be done by shifters that are older than a few years and have practiced doing so. The ability to grow the nails to claws, teeth to canines, flash the eyes to the beast’s, and adjust the throat to give a full growl or howl takes years of training, or can get stuck that way from being forced to stay shifted for too long.
War form -
This form is considered a Shifters strongest and most deadly form. Shifters in this form stand on two legs and are very tall, the smallest standing 8 feet and the largest standing 12 feet. Shifters in their war form are humanoid, covered in fur, and have elongated snouts, canines and claws, and may or may not have a tail. This is the form that is shifted to when a Shifter becomes enraged or is force shifted on a full moon.
Full form -
This form looks like that of a large timber wolf, feline, or bear, depending on what species they are, and is typically used for roaming and tracking. When in full form, they may communicate with one another by subtle cues, movements, and yips and howls, just as they do in the wild. This form also has the best of the heightened senses, being equal to that of a wolf.
Moon cycle :
Shifter strength and aggression is directly correlated with the phase of the moon. They reach peak strength and aggressiveness on the full moon, which forces a shift into either war or full form.
This shift is not necessarily the entire duration of the full moon. Shifters are required to eat a meal large enough to replenish lost calories (think protein) and energy expended during a shift before shifting back on a full moon.
Shifters have a three day window surrounding the full moon in which they must shift at least once. However, they are also more easily triggered to shift due to anger or other heavy emotions during these three days as well. The days of the full moon will be posted on the calendar on the website and will be either a weekend before, or after the RL full moon should it fall in the middle of the week.
Enhanced Senses -
Includes increased sense of smell, eyesight, and hearing. These senses seem particularly strong and out of control for the young or freshly bitten.
Enhanced Strength and Agility -
Shifters are the strongest race, approximately four times as strong as a regular human, even in their human form.
Shifters are also faster (approximately 2-3 times) and lighter on their feet than a regular human, though a vampire could beat them in a foot race with no contest.
Enhanced Healing -
Shifters heal from minor damage such as bruises or small cuts/wounds almost instantly. More severe wounds such as stab wounds, gunshot wounds, and broken bones that are inflicted with a non-silver weapon take approximately 24 hours to heal completely. Severe or repeated wounds made by another Shifter’s teeth or claws have a chance at leaving a scar behind when they heal and heal at only twice the human healing rate.
Wounds that are inflicted with silver or by a vampire’s fangs or hands that would NOT be considered lethal will take the same amount of time it would take a human to heal from that wound. Shifters cannot heal from a lethal wound inflicted by silver without external help.
Shifters are also more resilient to disease and sickness due to their high resting body temperature.
Born Shifters and some Alphas know how to regenerate severed limbs in themselves and their pack mates, though this takes time and considerable pain and suffering along with preparation and maintenance.
Not all Shifters know of this guarded secret and the knowledge is by Admin approval only.
Vampire’s Compulsion -
Shifters are immune to compulsion when fully shifted in either War Form or Full Form.
Shifting breaks compulsion. Cannot intentionally shift while compelled unless compelled to actually do so.
Partial Shifted is not immune.
Silver -
Silver is highly toxic to Shifters in any form that they are in. Shifters cannot use their enhanced healing abilities with wounds that have been inflicted by silver. That makes silver the ideal substance to use against Shifters by hunters though expensive and hard to come by. Silver can only be scented by a shifter when they are in close quarters to it, and only in their wolf form.
Wolfsbane -
If exposed to Wolfsbane, Shifters will have what is similar to that of a severe allergic reaction. In small doses it will cause minor symptoms such as headache. In larger doses it can cause rash, hives, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the airway. If exposed in large enough doses or if wolfsbane enters the bloodstream or lungs, it can be fatal.
Fire -
Shifters can typically heal from burns without issues other than scarring, though if a wound is cauterized or sealed by fire, the wound will heal as if it were a burn. Cauterizing severed limbs guarantees the limbs will not regenerate without Alpha assistance.
Temper -
Most Shifters are very quick to temper and easily provoked and this can lead to unwanted shifts especially closer to the full moon. Temper can be controlled with time and practice.
High Frequency Noise -
Shifters can be affected by noises that are loud enough or are high enough frequency. These noises can range anywhere from annoying to incapacitating, depending on the volume/frequency.
Hunger -
Shifters have an increased appetite due to their high metabolism. If Shifters go without eating, they will become very weak and may even lose their ability to shift back to a human. Shifters typically eat extremely large meals while shifting to replenish lost energy in the shift, if this is not done and they shift back, they will feel extremely tired and hungry upon returning to their human form.
Age -
Shifters live to be around 1000 years old. Around this age, similar to humans, body functions begin to decline and muscles begin to weaken and atrophy, making the body less tolerant to the stresses of shifting. Eventually, Shifters will be unable to shift due to the limitations of the body. Shifters this old generally die from natural causes or during a final shift of their choosing.
Final Shift - This is a forced, violent shift that an elderly Shifter knows their body cannot handle and chooses to put themselves through in order to die with dignity. In some packs it is a celebrated event and tradition, in others taboo and hardly done, and in others it’s treated like just another day occurrence and part of nature.
Pack Structure:
Packs are regional, each region being under the jurisdiction of an Alpha. The Alpha is in charge of all things Shifter as far as politics and punishment go. It is up to the player’s discretion on whether or not they join the pack, it is NOT required, however the perks of being in a pack usually outweigh the cons.
Alpha -
Alphas are usually the strongest and most experienced Shifter in the area and are in charge of a pack. Their word is law and is to be obeyed and respected by those in and out of the pack. They are responsible for preserving the integrity of the pack and maintaining order amongst Shifters.
An Alpha gains an amount of control over the shifting of the members of the pack. They can choose to stall, stop, or even force a shift in another Shifter with concentration and experience. This effect is not permanent, would use a Competing Dice Roll unless previously agreed upon, and is usually only used on the younger packmates in dire situations where it is warranted.
Carrying Howl - They also have an additional ability to shift only their vocal chords and let loose a howl in human form that can travel farther than other howls indicating at either danger, need, or stay away for the rest of the pack. Once this is done, a roll should be performed to see if they lose their voice for 24 hours or not.
Heat Cycles:
Female Shifters go through cycles at the same rate as a human does, every 28 days or so. While a shifters’ heat is no different than a bout of PMS, with slight cramping, cravings for more protein, and the other usual symptoms, however, during this period, the female’s pheromones are in overdrive and nearby male Shifters (of the same species usually) may be drawn to the female, and become more aggressive toward other males of any species. This is resistible and not required to be played either by the females or males in reaction to it.
When two Shifters love each other very much and decide to spend their lives together... They usually do so while making love with the male biting the female along her shoulder and neck area, marking her by leaving a wound, though it’s not uncommon for the female to also mark her male. Another Shifter will know that they are mated by the other’s scent all over them since the bite itself will usually heal, unless it is deeply inflicted or repeated many times over a long period of time.
The Feral Curse:
Shifters that feed too many times on human or supernatural flesh run the risk of turning feral, the first sign being that their eyes turn a deeper amber color, then finally red when shifted. Once in the red-eye state, the man inside the beast is gone, lost to the feral nature of a near rabid hunter. Most times, when someone is attacked it is by a feral shifter.
Some packs believe that if a shifter is created from a Feral attack, the victim is more likely to become a Feral, some even at their first shift.